I love this multiple stories within the theme. And I had a few good chuckle, great writing :)

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Thank you, Rachel! 😊 Glad you liked it, xo

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This was great and most revealing - Your "And I'm an alcoholic" bit was hilarious and all the more so because of the reaction. It's always taking a risk when you're a "funny" woman, right?

Also, you've spoiled baby carrots for me, lol.

Super original post, Lani :)

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Jul 2Author

Revealing! EGATS. Should I be scared? 😂 I’m so glad you found my fail amusing. Seriously.

Sorry about the baby carrots. 🥕🥕🥕

Thanks, Sue! You’re the best, xo

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Jun 29Liked by Lani

Interesting about youngster aggressiveness. As a kid with other kids, I don't think I was particularily aggressive. More cooperative and enjoying sharing interests equally if other kid (usually girl) shared same interest. My aggressiveness manifested at home among siblings at times.

Then later I was a manager with direct reports. I was told by them, that I appeared too aggressive to them. It surprised me. To make a long story short, it was probably my upbringing at home that influenced how I conveyed direction at times. It shouldn't surprise some Asian parents are quite direct in the childrearing and don't praise enough. (But there's the opposite of over praising for every small step which becomes unnecessary.)

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Jul 1Author

Your the second Asian (so far) in comments to mention being 'accused of being aggressive'. I think you're right; we're raised a certain no-nonsense way that might come off as strong. I certainly got that 'criticism' during my earlier teaching years.

Generally speaking I was a good kid. Not sure why Bobby got what he did. We were friends, too. I think I was curious what would happen. On TV you'd see it all the time as a laugh, so I wanted to try it. If anything, I feel I was too mean to my younger brother at times.

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I think your writing gets better everyday :)

And gosh, the being asked where I come from when I'm in Asia has been the bane of my existence. It's almost as if we're all asking to learn about you and your history/ancestors.

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Jul 1Author

Hahaha. Yeah, my Thai for answering these types of questions is pretty good because I've had to explain so many times. 😂 I could write a whole post about this, and maybe I will for my next one because the episodes 🤔 keep on coming. And thank you for the compliment ❤️

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Being the one coming from a "black" family and never had gone to kindergarden, I was always that little girl bullied at school until one day I had my revenge - I blew my running nose with a boy's baseball cap, and made him the laugh of the day.

Being one of the few female engineers in a male dominated tech world, I was always the quiet and hard working one, until one day I was told that I was the "most aggressive person" this male engineer had ever met.

Go figure :).

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Thank you for sharing your mini memoir moments 🤗 Blowing your nose into his baseball cap! Whooweee. That takes some huevros rancheros. Good for you. And yes, so strange to be labeled 'the most aggressive' ~ wild, actually. I don't get that from you at all. We'll always be misunderstood throughout life, it seems, so might as well learn to tell a good story! xo

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intriguing and clever how you pack so much information into five snapshots of different stages of life. I love the style of writing in vignettes (I think that's what these brief pieces of prose are called). And connecting them in this chronological fashion immediately adds another dimension ~ time, timing, the process of learning and maturing.

Thank you for another inspiring post, Lani 💛 🙏 💕

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Hi Veronika, you're too kind and giving me too much credit. It's not in chronological order, but I'm glad that it read this way. 😊 To be honest, it's an experiment, and one I wasn't sure how it would land. But I like the idea of vignettes and changing up the style of essays. Thank you for reading and your thoughtful comments, xo

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well, it reads like a good story anyway. Artistic license, right? xx

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